The "Minimum Visibility Antennas" (MVA), "HOA Friendly" or "Stealth" antenna project has evolved into a permanent committee called WORKSHOPS that will assist members with design, construction and testing of amateur radio associated projects. Presently we have two projects, vertical or flagpole and magnetic loop antennas with more to come.
Each project will have a lead person who is responsible for orchestrating activities, resources and members. As many members may participate as wish. The structure of various projects may vary, for example, a group may get together to build an electronic device, but only a few members might assemble to visit someone’s home to help with an antenna construction.
The Club may make money available for supplies or other expenses, which has been approved by the GVARC Board. The Club will maintain some construction and test equipment for members use. The projects will be reported under WORKSHOPS in the GVARC website.
We encourage members to submit requests for assistance and ideas for new projects. Contact [email protected].
Click on the button on the right to view the presentation from the March 13th Membership Meeting....