Our results are tabulated - you can still help.. See item #5
- We have wrapped up our submission for Field Day 2024. 26 Folks signed in on the Sign up Sheet, we had an information table, met in a location open to the public and used 100 watts or less on two radios.
- We had 5 operators during the event making 345 contacts, 104 on SSB (Phone) and 241 contacts using CW.
- All this should should garner us 1422 points, more or less. Not bad for this year.
- Thanks to Lou Navarro and Bob Newkirk for the antennas, Tom Lang for the organization, all of those who came for the potluck and to the members and family members who showed up to support our efforts.
- John Perlick has reported that if you will associated your submission from HOME with the Green Valley ARC your contacts will be added to the Club Contacts. This is a new feature for this year.
From the rules:
An aggregate club score will also be published, which will be the sum of all individual entries indicating a specific club (similar to the aggregate score totals used in ARRL affiliated club competitions). Participants from any Class can optionally include a single club name with their submitted results following Field Day. For example, if Podunk Hollow Radio Club members Becky, W1BXY, and Hiram, W1AW, both participate in 2024 Field Day -- Hiram from his Class D home station, and Becky from her Class C mobile station -- both can include the radio club’s name when reporting their individual results. The published results listing will include individual scores for Hiram and Becky, plus a combined score for all entries identified as Podunk Hollow Radio Club.
Field Day History
ARRL Field Day 2023
Field Day 2023 was held at the Green Valley Fire District Headquarters on Green Valley Fire District Headquarters
Bob Newkirk K3RN was our volunteer in Charge for 2023
26 folks participated in the 24 hour event. Three of the Fire District Staff joined us for our Potluck and a crew of four came in as we cleaned up to retrieve the left over salads and cookies.
Chief Wunder, his son Caleb and Mrs. Wunder came in to check out Ham Radio. Maybe a future Ham.
9 of our members sent RadioGrams during our Learning Exercise made possible by Dave Bowen.
Fernando KF7R made satellite contacts via the International Space Station and other Satellites on Saturday
Lou Navarro wrote the entire W1aW Bulletin as he listened to their broadcast. All these efforts added to our bonus points.
Photos for the slide show courtesy of Gary Carroll
Bob Newkirk K3RN was our volunteer in Charge for 2023
26 folks participated in the 24 hour event. Three of the Fire District Staff joined us for our Potluck and a crew of four came in as we cleaned up to retrieve the left over salads and cookies.
Chief Wunder, his son Caleb and Mrs. Wunder came in to check out Ham Radio. Maybe a future Ham.
9 of our members sent RadioGrams during our Learning Exercise made possible by Dave Bowen.
Fernando KF7R made satellite contacts via the International Space Station and other Satellites on Saturday
Lou Navarro wrote the entire W1aW Bulletin as he listened to their broadcast. All these efforts added to our bonus points.
Photos for the slide show courtesy of Gary Carroll
ARRL Field Day 2022
Two years running, we are not gathering for Field day in 2022.
ARRL Field Day 2021
Sad, but true. For the first time in many years, the Green Valley Amateur Radio Club did not participate in the ARRL Field Day on June 26/27th
ARRL Field Day 2020
2020 Results:
The results of Field Day which appears in the December issue of QST. Rick Rogers has this analysis...
There is no listing I could find that lists the results purely by points so I had to go thru every entry to find points higher than our club. This is just the points regardless of class of station or any other factors. Here we go;
Total entries: 10213
Our points: 7922
Entries scoring more points: 206
Max points listed: 73149 (whew)
According to the arithmetic that puts our club in the top two percent points wise of all entries. Great job folks!
There is no listing I could find that lists the results purely by points so I had to go thru every entry to find points higher than our club. This is just the points regardless of class of station or any other factors. Here we go;
Total entries: 10213
Our points: 7922
Entries scoring more points: 206
Max points listed: 73149 (whew)
According to the arithmetic that puts our club in the top two percent points wise of all entries. Great job folks!
Field day 2020 Rick (K7RCR) and Bruce (K3BAT) on Mt Hopkins at 7500 feet elevation
Did you participate in Field Day??
The 2020 ARRL Field Day is over and we would like to hear from those who participated from their homes .
Be sure to indicate on your Log info sent to ARRL our club name . The club name must be written - Green Valley ARC - for our club to get credit for you contacts. Thanks, Bruce K3BAT 520-625-9170 Voice or text ok. Did YOU take a photo at field day? Use this form to upload the photo for us to share with others.
June 27-28 -- ARRL Field Day
Please mark the dates on your calendar and plan on joining us for this years 7QP and Field Day Events. Chairman of 7QP/Field Day Planning Committee Bruce Tewksbury 520-625-9170 Phone or text OK [email protected] |
ARRL Field Day 2019...
Updated Information as of Tuesday 6/25 - 1 pm MST:
Field day is over for 2019. 24 people participated, 11 operators made contacts. Preliminary results have us accumulating 2344 points for the contest part. We made fewer CW contacts, more Digital and phone contacts this year, than past years. We had no official visitors. This year we had a GOTA station which added to our score, twice. Once for contacts and then a bonus for every 20 contacts per person. You can click on the button below to see the comparison of points from 2006 to 2019. |