We have a required change to all our forms, please use this form to practice......
Due to a number of internet 'robots' submitting information via forms, our ISP, Weebly, has implemented a required verification step before submitting information via a form. The tool they are using is called 'CAPTCHA' and the method they have selected, presents you with an image of an object and asks you, the submitter, to select all the frames in a collection of photos below which are examples of the same object. Once you have clicked on all the matching frames, click the 'Verify' button and your form is submitted. YOU get a message that your form has been submitted. Miss any one of the objects and you go back to the form - the good news is your form is still filled out. TRY again. YES, this is frustrating, but it is the only method of making sure that recipients of information get information from HUMANS (in our case, you the members) and not spam from the 'bots'. So. Please use the form to the right to practice. It will go to Jon our webmaster, when you are successful, who is looking forward to your success.
Once you are used to Verify, skip this step. Thank you very much. Jon, ad7gs the webmaster. Note the example of a Captcha Screen with selected images. |